Art Pocketbook

A Sales Analytics Platform Designed for Artists

FigmaUX/UI DesignResearch

The Problem

"_____ is an artist that needs to understand their sales in relation to the market better because _____ wants to sell more art."

  • • Not knowing who the sales audience is
  • • Not knowing what to create and when
  • • Not knowing what worked and what didn't

The Goal

Understand what an artist needs in order to monitor sales in a productive manner as well as who and why the buyer purchases an artist's work so the artist can focus more on their art and less on their money.

Design Process

Low Fidelity Prototype
High Fidelity Prototype

Following a structured UX design process to ensure every decision is grounded in research and validated through testing is key to making a product that best fits its users, therefore will best suit its stake holders

Research - Define - Ideate via Prototypes and Testing


Research Questions & Insights

Time Spent on Sales Review

Question: How much time do you use on reviewing sales?

Findings: Ranging from 0-2 hours, usually around 30 minutes a week

Insights: Even those who feel like they're not good enough to be a great entrepreneur want to know how they're doing with sales. Art Pocketbook would fill this need without their concerted efforts.

Target Audience Understanding

Question: Do you have a target audience and do you think you reach them?

Findings: Split yes and no

Insights: Not having a target audience is akin to not having a plan of action. As an artist it is hard to conceptualize the need to earn money capitalistically, but only by doing so can we know how to direct one's creative output.

Previous App Experience

Question: Have you used an app like this before and did it help?

Findings: Some use sites like Etsy, but mostly No

Insights: The sites that artists already use are those that also can facilitate the sales themselves. This shows that 'sales reviews' are often simply a happy byproduct of a necessary sales site.

Desired Insights

Question: What would you want to learn from monitoring your sales?

Findings: What are my running totals? What is selling well right now? What did I sell this month?

Insights: The same artists that claim they do not care who their target audience is also declare they want to know very specific things about their sales. This shows there is a large audience for a sales application designed for the disenfranchised artists.

Emotional Response

Question: How do you feel when confronted with the issue of reviewing your sales?

Findings: Stress. Stress. Stress.

Insights: It doesn't matter where an artist is in their journey, this is the factor that all can agree on. The goal of Art Pocketbook is to take away the stress and anxiety in order to help them focus on their own creative works.

Key Survey Findings

Time Management

Artists spend 0-2 hours weekly reviewing sales, typically around 30 minutes

Audience Targeting

Split response on understanding and reaching target audience

Sales Analysis Needs

Artists want to track running totals, current trends, and monthly performance

Current Solutions

Most artists rely on basic platform analytics from sales sites like Etsy

Critical Pain Points


Initial overwhelm prevents engagement with analytics tools


Difficulty interpreting and applying data insights

Narrow Scope

Lack of cross-platform integration complicates analysis

Competitive Analysis

Laid out in an easy-to-read, easy-to-explain format, comparing key features across major platforms in the market.

PlatformPreview AccessPlatform IntegrationSales AnalysisEducational ToolsSales Platform
ArtMois StudioNoShopifyPartialNoNo
Artwork ArchiveYesAA to SitePartialNoYes
Art CloudPartialNoNoNoYes
Art LogicPartialNoNoYesYes

Key Findings

  • • Most platforms lack comprehensive preview access
  • • Limited platform integration capabilities across the board
  • • Sales analysis tools are generally basic or nonexistent
  • • Educational resources are rare among competitors
  • • Sales platform functionality is mixed across solutions

User Personas

Sammy Sosa

Age 30 • Kansas City

Occupation: Aspiring Artist

"If you don't try you can't succeed"


  • • Be able to know what target audience to create marketing which appeals to them
  • • Know how to reach them


  • • Doesn't know where to start
  • • Doesn't know how they would find their target audience

Elma Belle

Age 19 • Kansas City South

Education: Art School

Occupation: Artist

"Change your place, change your luck"


  • • Work less
  • • Stress less


  • • Sales aren't good
  • • Sometimes she can't work and can't travel as much
  • • Doesn't know technology

Michael Monster

Age 35 • Lawrence, Kansas

Education: BA

Occupation: Artist

"Is it a passion? Then do it"


  • • Be able to focus his work for a greater return
  • • Find time to rest during the day


  • • Spends too much time creating to have time for proper analysis, too complicated!

Maggy Medwin

Age 44 • Overland Park

Education: Highschool

Occupation: Manager

"It's about time"


  • • Share her art
  • • Feel secure about it


  • • Not familiar with technology in general
  • • Wants to be able to get her art out and into the world



Testing Approach

Testing with 5 users revealed 80% of usability issues - efficient as a well-oiled machine. Each iteration brought improvements in:

  • • Visual presentation of data
  • • Platform integration workflows
  • • Goal setting and tracking

Key Improvements

  • • More images, less text for better artist engagement
  • • Simplified platform connection process
  • • Enhanced visual goal tracking
  • • Streamlined sales review process

Project Impact

Business Value

Our iterative design process and user testing demonstrated clear ROI, with each improvement directly addressing user needs and market gaps. The final product provides tangible value for artists managing their business across multiple platforms, reducing stress and improving efficiency across all aspects of their sales analysis process.

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