The Judaic Tarot

A Jewish deck by and for the Jewish people

Product DesignVisual DesignResearchPublicationsPhoto Editing
Judaic Tarot Deck Overview

The Gap

Jewish Tarot readers experience a lack of representation when they look for themselves and their people's stories in their tarot decks - decks that are already influenced by their own lore.

The Impact

This absence of representation implies that Jewish history and culture are not valued within the tarot community, leading to feelings of disconnection and imposter syndrome among Jewish practitioners.

The Solution

Create a tarot deck that authentically represents Jewish stories, symbols, and spiritual traditions, allowing Jewish readers to connect with their heritage through the cards while maintaining the depth and utility of traditional tarot.

Research & Development

Through extensive research and interviews with rabbis and Jewish community members, I discovered a significant gap in representation. While many tarot decks draw from various cultural traditions, none fully embraced the rich tapestry of Jewish stories and symbolism.

Research Process Image

Key Findings

  • • Traditional tarot decks often draw from Jewish mysticism without acknowledging the source
  • • Jewish readers sought deeper connections to their cultural heritage through tarot
  • • The intersection of Jewish tradition and tarot presented unique opportunities for authentic representation

Card Design

Major Arcana

The Tower Card
The Chariot Card

Each Major Arcana card represents a significant story or figure from Jewish tradition, carefully chosen through rabbinic consultation and research.

Minor Arcana

Ace Card
Desert Card

The Minor Arcana integrates the Four Worlds concept with traditional tarot symbolism, creating a unique bridge between Jewish mysticism and tarot practice.

Card Back Design

Card Back Design

The card backs feature the letter shin (ש), a powerful symbol found on the mezuzah at the entrance to Jewish homes, connecting the deck to the family and Judaic traditions. The design also incorporates the Star of David, elegantly mapping the four elements and four worlds within its structure and reminding users that the origins of the tarot were based off Judaism.

The Companion Book

Companion Book Cover
Book Interior 1

Reading Methods

Includes traditional single-card readings, the unique 7-card spread based on the Tree of Life, and interpretations grounded in Hebrew letter meanings.

The Four Worlds

Explores the connection between the four tarot suits and the traditional Jewish concept of the Four Worlds.

Tree of Life

Provides detailed explanations of how the Tree of Life concept relates to card meanings and spread interpretations.

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